7 types of the most terrible bosses

7 types of the most terrible bosses

It's commonly known that no matter how much you enjoy performing the functions of your job, it's the co-workers that have the power to make or break the whole experience for you. And it's none other than your boss, director, supervisor or manager who has the greatest sway over your day-to-day experience. A good boss can make work an absolute pleasure to go to. But bosses are humans like the rest of us, and some of them have glaring flaws. Still, they must be "better" than you in some way to be in a superior position, right? RIGHT?!? Not always.

What does your doormat says

What does your doormat says

Cool Fruitful Portraits Collection

Cool Fruitful Portraits Collection

This May Be the World’s Worst Job Ever

If you think you have a bad job, then you definitely should see this post.

Meanwhile in Russia

Meanwhile in Russia

Cube Houses from the Netherlands

These unusual buildings were designed by architect Piet Blom. Several dozens of such cube-shaped houses called Kubuswoningen were built in the Dutch towns of Rotterdam and Helmond in the midlle of the ‘70s. The total area of each house is around 100 square meters (1075 sq. ft.), though about a quarter of the space is unusable due to angled ceilings. In 2009 several cubes were converted into a hostel.
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